My Dirty Secret

I'm going to let you in on one one of my deepest darkest secrets. Are you ready?

I'm not a good housewife.


Well, maybe it's not that big of a secret. If pressed my husband would admit that he knew it. Heck, he might even admit it if not pressed.

The truth is, I'm just not the kind of person who gets enjoyment out of the day-to-day monotony of cooking and cleaning, nor am I the kind of person who can easily grin and bear it. So, the chores that I do, I do because it's necessary and there' s no one else to do them.

There are many days when chores are left to fester simply because I don't see it as imperative that they be done, and all too often the house gets clean because someone is coming over and I couldn't bear to let them in on my 'dirty' secret.

The worst of all my chores to do, and the one that gets put off the most, until I'm left with no more alternatives but to actually do it, is laundry. I despise laundry. I typically end up doing laundry on average every 3 weeks. I know, I know. Disgusting. I wait until there is absolutely nothing to wear. Kids are re-wearing pajamas, hubby is re-wearing underwear and socks, we're all examining our shirts to avoid the most obviously dirty.

The problem is that laundry is a chore that has no end. Unlike cleaning the floor or the bathroom, which can stay clean up to an entire day or two, there is always laundry that needs to be cleaning, even when all is said and done... you still have the clothes on your back left to clean, and every day it gets worse and worse. Unless you're one of those manic laundry washers who do a load every day of the week. Clearly, I am not.

I am currently doing laundry. So far one load is done, (and folded even, but not put away), one is drying and one is washing. I have 3 loads to go. Most likely, they will not all get done, and at least the last load will be left in the dryer, perhaps even a load left in the washer to be re-washed at a later date.

But at least it's getting done. One thing is certain, when my house is clean and I've spent an entire day cleaning it, I get nasty about keeping it clean. I see one toy on the floor, or the blanket rumpled, I just might lose it and bite the head off of the person who dared to disturb the order of my clean house. Just for a few hours, at least, I'd like it to stay nice. That's not too much to ask, is it?

Maybe in a couple of days I can regale you with tales of cleaning my kids' bedrooms.