Happy (belated) Zombie Jesus Day!

No offense or disrespect to anyone intended by my title...it's just funny.

So I'm back from my Easter holiday. Nothing much to say about it, really. It was a nice few days away, but besides having someone cook for me (which is Awesome! I wish it was that way every day!) I didn't really do anything vacationey. I didn't sleep in at all, though I did get one nap in, and James and I didn't go out to a movie. It was relaxing, all the same though...having someone else run around with my kids is a bonus.

The most memorable part of the weekend, aside from Cameron crying for an hour both there and back, would definitely have to be the amount of candy I ended up bringing home. My mom and I agreed that next year she'll buy toys and I'll buy the candy.

So today it's back to the grind, since James has to work. The kids and I went out and bought enough groceries to last until Friday, then we grabbed some lunch and came home, where I felt inspired enough by the warm sunshine (which has since vanished behind dark threatening clouds and weather channel promises of snow *shudder*), that I took down most of the Christmas lights. I left the ones that would have involved a ladder.

I was getting the gardening itch...gazing at my flower beds covered with leaves just begging to be raked out. Better wait and see if it does snow, after all, though. I'm really eager for everything to get all dried out so the yard to can get cleaned and livable again. The neighbors must think we're horrible white trash, considering the state of the yard at the moment. It's covered in garbage because of the dogs ripping garbage bags open, and then it snowing. Plus, it has piles of renovation trash, most notably the carpet and underlay, and all the soggy dog poop that needs to dry out before it can be raked and shoveled up. It won't take long to clean, but in the mean time it looks disgusting.

That's it for now.... next time I'll tell you about my NIN concert outfit that I'm currently awaiting delivery for. :)