
My son Quintin has been in minor hockey for two years, starting just a month before he turned 4. His first year of pre-novice we had to pay $100 for his registration, and we chose to pay $150 instead of working at the concession.

His second year of pre-novice cost us $200, plus 25 hours of concession work and mandatory volunteer work at the fundraiser. We also wrote a post dated cheque for $250 as a deposit against jerseys and incase we didn't volunteer. We got that cheque back, uncashed at the end of the year.

Now the executive has just chosen to charge parents all fees and deposits upfront, and if all obligations (concession and volunteer) are met, to be refunded at the end of the year. That means that when I register Quintin I will have to pay $675.

I don't have this kind of money just laying around. However, push having come to shove, I can get it. That's not so for a lot of parents. Many of the first year players I know will not be able to have their children continue with hockey. I'm sure that if Quintin was at a higher (and more expensive) level, that I would not be able to afford it. A friend has two children in hockey and will have to pay $1000. That I certainly wouldn't have.

I think it is completely unfair that families who don't have large amounts of money readily available aren't able to have their kids continue in hockey. What's even worse than all this, however, is that of the hundred or so families in Lamont who are involved in minor hockey, only 11 people came to the meeting, and it's the same 11 who always come. The executive and these 11 people are running the club and making all the decisions for the rest of us. I was shocked to hear that no one besides myself protested this fee change.

I wish that people weren't so complacent and eager to drift through life as if nothing involves them. Why is no one willing to fight for what is the right thing to do?

This rediculous decision penalizes children whose their parents live paycheque to paycheque and are forced to save for months for extra expenses. It's not fair that only the priveledged get to participate.