Well, we survived...

The holiday season is over, and now we can all sit back and relax. The past week was more or less what I expected it to be, although it did start out with a resounding bang -- literally. While we were stopped at a light, just leaving Fort Saskatchewan, someone rear-ended us. It was completely unexpected, at least for me, but James said that he knew the guy was going to hit us eventually, cuz he was being an idiot. So, our bumper is bent, but that's it. Not too bad, but we'll need a new bumper before we sell the truck, whenever that happens. My neck also hurt for a couple days after that, but just like I'd strained a muscle, so nothing serious.
Beyond that, we arrived in Olds in good form, and ready to start the holidays. My parent's Christmas tree was huge and beautifully decorated. The mound of presents under it was rediculous, and that was before we added our three garbage bags full of gifts to it.
So the big question is, what did I get? The best presents would have to be from my husband... he got me some diamond and ruby earings, and sapphire and diamond ring. It was such a great gift simply because I knew it pained him to spend so much money on something that he considers to be useless. I was really touched because of it. :) And I so totally didn't expect it. Otherwise, I got movies (Finding Nemo and Ocean's 11), music (Queen of the Damned Soundtrack), books, (Gregory Maguires "Confessions of an Ugly Step Sister" and "Mirror Mirror". I got tons of clothes and new shoes, and a goosedown duvet for my king sized bed, from Santa. Oh, and the game Balderdash ....that's all I can remember getting at the moment, but there was more, I'm pretty sure.
All in all it was a really good holiday. My mom ended up with the flu, so now I have to hold my breath for a week and pray that no one here gets it.