Random Thoughts

So, my husband tells me that one of the keys to having people read your blog is posting in it every day. So...I'm going to try to do that. I don't promise anything, though.
This weekend was really tiring. After a week of looking after the baby all day, (and that can be exhausting...how many times can you say "no" without losing your mind?) I really look forward to two days where I don't have to do it alone. It's enough just knowing someone else is there and I can be alone if I want to. Well, once a month James has to work a Saturday, so I get screwed out of one day. This weekend, however, he also went out and played games all day Sunday. So I didn't get a weekend off this week. The only upside was I went shopping with my mom and sister and then had dinner and drinks on Saturday. James took the baby after he got off of work and I go to hang out and forget about being a mom for a little while. That was nice of him, I admit.
So I tried to get my Christmas shopping done on Saturday. I'll be taking back at least one present, I couldn't shop for my mom or sister, because they were right there, and I lost a present I got for my son. So basically it was almost a waste of time. Except Quint got to see Santa, so that was fun...waiting in line for 20 minutes holding a 22lbs wriggly weight in my arms....He didn't know what to think of Santa....he just stared at him. So, like I said, then we went out for dinner and drinks. Well, they drank. I had a white russian that might as well have been milk, it was so weak, but that was it, cuz I was driving. They were staying in the hotel across the street so they could drink all they wanted.
And today....today I'm doing nothing. It's -20C or some such idiotic cold temperature and it's preventing me from even walking the 10 feet to the garage to get the othe baby gate, so I can lock the baby out of the computer room so I can be on he computer while he plays. I tried just letting him play in here and now it's a complete and utter disaster. That happens to any room he goes into, really, so I shouldn't have been surprised by the mess.
Oh, the excitement.