In the last two weeks....

So, Christmas shopping is done. I went out to West Edmonton Mall a couple weeks ago with my mom and sister to do my Christmas shopping. I managed to get a couple things for my husband, and for my dad, but because I was shopping with my mom and sister, I couldn't get anything for them. I had rented a car that weekend, because our insurance on our SUV had expired. So, that Tuesday I tried to finish my shopping...didn't have much luck. I only managed to finally get the last two presents this Saturday. So we have lots of presents under our tree, and the house is decorated and lights are up. I'm all full of Christmas cheer.

However, on the way to the mall on Saturday, the heater in our truck blew up... or something. It had been acting up since we bought it. At first it was just this trickling sound, that we though should get fixed some day. Then a couple of weeks ago the heater started screaming.... so we thought that really should get fixed. Then, last weekend, we're just getting into Fort Saskatchewan when smoke starts coming out of the defrost the time my husband pulled over it was pouring out of the vent and we had to open the windows to air it out. And it smelled horrible. So, now we have to get it fixed.... although, apparently it seems to be working again.

And this morning I was given a heart attack. My husband drives to the city every day for work. It takes him about 1 hour to get there. He left late this morning, (cuz he can't get up before dawn, for some reason) so I knew he wouldn't be at work until about 9:30.
Well, at 9:15, just as I was about to give the baby breakfast, the phone rings. Knowing that James shouldn't be at work yet, I worry slightly that something's happened and he's calling me to call a tow truck for him or something (it wasn't a completely rational thought). So I answer the phone and a male voice asks if he's speaking with Mrs. Atkinson. I tell him yes, and he says he's so and so calling from the Edmonton Police Department......(my heart starts pounding, imagining my husband in a horrible accident, cuz it is snowing and the roads are icy)......and he's soliciting for a charity to help police widows.
And no, I didn't give the charity any money, because he said that only half the money raised would go to charity...the other half was to pay for the charity drive, and to pay solicitors like himself.
That's it until after Chrismas. :)