Going on Vacation

Woo! How time flies! I hadn't realized how much time had gone by since my last post... I guess life just hasn't been interesting enough to post about.

To answer the question in my comments, no, no one here got the flu. I guess those flu shots really work. :)

Okay, so I'm just gonna skip over the last few months, cuz I don't really remember what's happened in all that time....

We've really just been planning for our vacation, which we leave for tomorrow night. Well, we're going to my parent's place tonight, cuz they're babysitting the baby, then tomorrow we get on the plane.

I know! 10 whole days with out my sweet heart!

He terrified me today. I came upstairs and closed the doors to all the rooms, but his bedroom, so he could play, then went to make his lunch. It got really quiet, and I was finished his lunch so I called him, heard nothing. Then I went to look for him and couldn't find him anywhere. I look under his bed, in closets, behind the couch. It was like he just up and disappeared. By this time I'm yelling for him, on the verge of panic and tears...images of strangers coming into my house and taking him flash through my mind... I check to make sure the front door is still locked, it is. Then I open the bathroom door and there he was. Playing with a bath toy. Happy. Somehow he managed to open the bathroom door, and close it behind him. I picked him up and held him tight and tried not to cry.... my heart was beating so fast.... meanwhile he's wiggling like he's saying, "moooommm....put me down....." It was such a horrible feeling.

I'm gonna miss him alot when we're gone.

So, what about your vacation, you ask? Well, we're taking 10 days to take a train through Europe, spending a few days at Amsterdam, Paris, Venice and Rome. I'm looking forward to Rome the most...the history there is just staggering. Our hotel is right behind the Coliseum...it'll be sooo cool.

Our plane leaves tomorrow night, and it'll take 9 hours to get there....landing in Frankfurt and changing planes before going on to Amsterdam.

So, keep reading my blog for updates... I hope to update for each city, and include some pictures as well.

Those of you reading from MW, a big "Hi" to you. :)