Ah! Paris.....and Amsterdam

Well, this is the first chance Ive had to get into an internet cafe....the last few days have been go go go, to try to get everything done on time. Oh, and Im currently in Venice using an Italian keyboard so if anything looks weird, thats why....its also why Im not using any apostrophies.... I cant find it.

So, anyway.... the trip got off to a bit of a rockey start. The plane leaving Calgary was 2 hours late, so we missed our connection to Amsterdam in Frankfurt. We had to wait 4 hours in Frankfurt for the next plane, so we didnt get into Amsterdam in time to do much.... we walked throught the redlight district, and then walked through the city a bit on our way to the train the next day, and took some pictures of the amazing architecture.

And then we were on to Paris. It truely was a wonderful place to visit.... I cant believe that it was never on my list of places to go. We tried to go to the Catacombs but they were closed (doh!). Notre Dame was...awe inspiring. It actually brought tears to my eyes. I lit a candle (for 2 euros) infront of this amazing Christ on the Cross) the whole church was just.... wow, thats all I can say. We took close to 100 pictures there...only to find that our camera was being screwy and it wont read half of the pictures we took. Hopefully we can get them with the computer.

After Notre Dame we went to the Eifel Tower. On the way there we had some really good crepes filled with ham and cheese from a street vendor, and then desert, a crepe with Nutella in it. The Eifel Tower is HUGE. Pictures just dont do any justice to its scale. It was dark by the time we got there and it was all lit up. We took the elevator up to the top and took some pictures, and called home.

The next day (yesterday) we spent about 4 hours walking around the Louvre. Amazing art! Just amazing! And then we went to the Arc de Triumph, and took the elevator up to the top and walked the 289 stairs back down. By that time our feet were so sore we were both limping.

We spent last night on our train to Venice, 12 hours so my feet dont hurt too bad, but my muscles are pretty sore.

Unfortunately I dont have time to write any more or post any pictures, cuz we only have enough change for 1/2 hour on the computer.

So I hope everyone at home and on MW is doing well, and Ill write again when I have the time.
