Count down to NaNoWriMo

NaNoWriMo (National Novel Writing Month) is two weeks away!

For those of you who don't know, nanowrimo is an international contest that has been running for 11 years now, to write a 50,000 word (or more!) novel during the month of November.  This is my third year competing, and hopefully my third win.  

While I haven't completed a novel yet, my first year I wrote 50,000 words, plus some change in a story about the Witch Hunts in Scotland and my second year I wrote close to 65,000 words on a post apocalyptic fantasy.   This year I plan on writing a romantic comedy about Zombies called "For the Love of Brian".

Alright, that's the background.

Normally, when I tell someone that I am/have participated in this they're amazed and supportive and enthusiastic.    Well, last week I met my first 'nano skeptic'.   I told her that this is what I'd be doing, and she looked at me like I'd completely lost my mind, and said, "Why?"    Completely flummoxed at this reaction I managed to stutter out something that amounted to, "Why not?"   To which she just looked at me like I was stupid.       There she was thinking I was stupid to want to write, and I was thinking she was stupid for thinking I was stupid.

I'm still can't figure out why anyone would think it a waste of time.    Writing is awesome.