November Madness

November is.... a difficult month.   That's putting it nicely.   I have an assignment or essay (sometimes two) due every week of this month, for a total of 3 papers, two assignments, three labs (almost forgot about those!) and one midterm.   This week's schedule includes a midterm exam in Education Psychology, tomorrow, and Thursday I have a paper due for World History.   

On top of the school insanity I decided to add NaNoWriMo, which I've blogged about already.   That started yesterday, and I went to the Edmowrimo's (that's my affiliate region), "Writers on the Rails" a write-in spent on the LRT system, sponsored by Edmonton Public Transit.  While there I managed to write 5200 words, to add to the 1000 I had already written earlier in the day.   So, as of this moment I have just under 6200 words....enough so that I don't have to write again until Wednesday, when I'm supposed to be doing research for a paper on Dr. Seuss for my History of Childhood class, which is due next week.

I'll cross that bridge when I come to it.   For what it's worth, I think the story is working out really well, so far.

The other stress of the month is the H1N1 flu clinic.   The clinic in Lamont was supposed to start today, and my entire family was going to go.  I'm especially worried about the kids, but myself as well considering the sheer number of people I'm shoulder to shoulder with every day.   But it's been canceled because of the shortage and they won't know when it's reopening until the end of the week.   I really hope none of us gets sick.

The little bit of relief I have added to my month is a purchase I made just two weeks ago from Heathen's Hearth.    You see, the stress and rigors of University have made my complexion decide it also wants to act like a teenage, and it has gone insane on me.  In desparation I went to Heathen's Hearth, after I saw a cleansing facial mask link on my facebook page (I'm friends with the shop owner).    So, I ordered some facial soap, them mask and some peppermint lip balm, cuz I'm addicted to lip balm - always finding the balm de jour, floating around in various pockets.

Anyway, my order arrived today and the mask was amazing, and so refreshing.  I think it'll do wonderful thinks to my skin, and the balm is perfect.  Nice and tingly for my lips, which means subtle natural color and plumpness, but not sweet to taste so I won't be licking it off like I do all the others I have.

And that's my month in a nutshell... Halloween was fun for the kids, the Cameron got tired and whiney after about 40 minutes of running around.  He makes an adorable vampire, though.  Even Quintin was too tired after an hour to go out to get his candy from Wendy's house.  Speaking of candy, I bought too much.  I planned for 200 kids and only got 107.   That plus the kids' stash means we're covered for a while.

Anyway, time to go make some dinner, I have class at 6 tonight.   If I don't update during the month, at least now you know I have a valid reason.