Alrighty... so today was my third day at Balwin School in the 'Step Language Arts' program. Up to this point I really haven't done much at all and am beginning to reevaluate my role in the classroom as 'teacher assistant' more than anything else.
Last week all I did was sit while the kids read silently for 15 minutes, and then sit while the kids watched a movie for 30 minutes and then answer maybe one or two questions while the teacher was busy with other kids.
Today I wandered the classroom while they did computer buddies with a grade one class. I helped a couple of kids who typed a link in wrong. Then I sat and watched them play a game for 15 minutes.
I'm glad that I can be there to help, but I'm beginning to wish that there was more that I could help out with... that is what I signed up for, after all. Twice now I have thought that I'm wasting money on the babysitter by being there, and I don't like that I'm feeling that way.
Ms. Gervais did say that there was a kid who had been missing all week that she wanted me to work with today, but he wasn't there today, either. So, hopefully there's hope of some work down the line.

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