Here we go again....

If I had a nickle for every time I've started or restarted a blog.... I'd have like... a whole 25 cents! And does anyone want to explain to me just why there isn't a cent character on the keyboard?

So, I'm here because.... I rediscovered the blog. Way back in 2005 when I first started with blogger, apparently my reasoning for it was because Xanga wasn't user friendly enough. A while ago I rediscovered my Xanga blog and made a few posts, then forgot it. Heh. I've been blogging on Facebook, but honestly, I don't think anyone knows it's there, and frankly it's ugly and boring. It served a purpose but got burried in the rest of the facebook mess. With the new facebook format, I'm not sure I could even find it again, anyway.

So, I'm here...wait, I already said that... umm... I should be making up my grocery list and preparing to go shopping but I'm procrastinating because I'm actually feeling good. For the last 5 days I've felt like I was going to die, I've been so sick. I'm sure I must have had the flu.... fever, chills, headache, sore throat, head and chest congestion, no energy. It was horrible...the sickest I've been in a very very long time. But today...well, I'm not going so far as to say I'm better, cuz I'm still congested, and my body temperature still can't make up it's mind as to what normal is, so I'm either hot or cold. But! I feel fine despite all that. That probably doesn't make much sense, but it's true. I'm in a good mood cuz despite being sick I feel good, in comparrison to how crappy I used to feel.

This weekend I get to go on a date with my sweetie, while my kids go on a sleep over with their Aunty. It'll be a nice little break, I'll get to eat sushi. Yum! And...I don't know what else I'll be doing, I've only planned the sushi. Maybe we'll go to the Casino. Hahaha! that I'm thinking about it, it' s not a horrible idea...gotta bone up our skills for our Vegas trip.

Yup, we're going to Vegas for May long! Yay! It's all because I'm a genius, you see. NIN is playing in Vegas and I convinced my husband that a few days in Vegas would be fun. I get to go to the concert and to the worlds biggest toy box. Okay, I made that up. I have no idea if it's the biggest or not. But that's still 7 weeks away. Boo!

Anyway, I've gotta start doing what needs doing before I lose my energy. Toodles!