
The past few days have been all about newness for me. On Saturday we went out, depite James' being very sick, and bought me a new car. Yay! My Jeep's lease is up October 2nd and we really ddn't want to have to pay for the gas for me to drive it in to the city every day for a month, so we went car shopping.

I've known for a couple years now that the car I wanted was a Mazda5 so that's what I got. I had to settle for a white one, despite that being on the very bottom of my wish list, color wise. It's not that bad, really, and really like the car. Despite only being a GS it has climate control which is awesome and feels like real luxery to me.

After getting the car we had to take pity on James and come home so he could spend the next 20 hours in bed feeling horrible. By Sunday he was mostly feelng better, so we went out and timed my commute and took a tour of the campus and spent $400 on text books. Then, before we got home we bought new cell phones so we could text each other and have unlimited calling between us, and as a part of the phone deal we each got a $100 gift card for Future Shop and with that we bought a PS3.

It was a very $$$ weekend, all things considered.

Today marks the real newness, however. Today I had my orientation. I was up at 6 and not home till 4:30. It was a very long, only marginally useful, day and I'm now exhausted and will be sleeping shortly. It was also the first day of the kids at the babysitters, and Cameron handled it much better than expected and Quint walked there from school just fine.

Tomorrow at 10 I have my first class, History 260 - Pre-Confederation Canada. A guy I talked to at orientation shuddered and said it was a brutal class. Yay. I'm only on campus for 1 hour M/W/F, totally not worth the 3 hours of commuting.

It feels very weird to be back at makes me feel both very young and very old at the same time.