End of Week 2

Well, the second week of school is done, and today I thought for a moment that Cameron might actually make it to the babysitter's without crying. He did pretty good, actually;  He didn't start crying until I put him down at Wendy's house.  Usually it starts the second I pull up to her curb, if not sooner.   Today was also the first day I paid for Wendy's services... $218 for 8 days,  (two weeks, but both weeks were missing Monday).   That's marginally cheaper than I expected it to be, add $40 for the two missed Mondays and it'll be exactly what I budgeted, so I'm happy with it.

Tomorrow we'll all buckle down and clean the house and get the laundry and shopping done - I'm hoping to turn this into routine, so when Saturday comes everyone knows what to expect. On Sunday we'll be taking the boys to do a walk for the Terry Fox Run.  Last year we (James and I) ran the 5k, but this year seeing as how we have the kids with us and both James and I are pretty unconditioned for the run, we'll be walking.   This year I'll be walking in memory of my Grandma, Joyce McLachlan, who passed away from cancer in July.

After the walk we'll pack everyone up and head to the beach for the afternoon.  The weather is supposed to be really nice so we'll take the boat out and the bigger boys'll try to catch some fish while Cameron and I make sandcastles on the beach.  If we're lucky, maybe I'll actually remember to bring my camera!

School is going wonderfully, for both myself and The Boy.  I just got my first essay assignment, 12-15 pages due the end of November...I have 30 topics to choose from, but I think I'll be writing on how the French viewed the Natives in early Canada.   I know that James finds the topic incredibly stimulating...  /sarcasm.  I'm going to get an early start on it, though, or at least try, so I have less to keep me away from Nanowrimo, in November.

The Boy brought home his first ever spelling quiz today; he got a perfect score.  I'm proud of him.  :)