All the goings on...

Yeah. Been a while since I've updated, but anyone who knows me should also know that that's completely normal. I've thought, a lot of times, that I should write a blog entry, but never got around to it. Just lazy, I guess.

So, what all's been going on, you're wondering?

First of all, the month of May basically didn't exist for me, I was so busy. I was granted a conditional acceptance to the UofA and had to complete my Athabasca course and get my transcripts in by June 15th. So, with 4 units and 3 essays yet to write I worked my ass off. I averaged reading 8 hours a day, 5 days a week. Housework and laundry were neglected even more than usual, and James barely saw me except for at dinner.

In the middle of May I took off 4 precious days (except for reading on the plane) to go to Vegas with my husband to see Nine Inch Nails (NIN/JA tour). We had an amazing time, the concert was incredible, and are already making plans to go back in the new year.

When we got back home I threw together a birthday cake and a party for my now 2 year old, then got back to work, cranking out a unit and an essay per week.

I finished the unit and wrote my final exam on June 9th (got an A in the course!) and after a hell of a lot of stress and a 4 day exension (wasn't that generous of the UofA? /sarcasm) I was accepted into the UofA! Now we get to take out a home equity loan to pay for it. Yay. That was more sarcasm.

Whew!! What a crazy month.

On top of it all, since returning from Vegas my husband and I have re-commited to losing weight. With a reduced calorie diet (~1500 calories per day) and exercise 5 days a week, I have lost 13 lbs and 6 inches so far.

We considered very seriously for a while, selling our house and moving to Leduc, but the market here is not the greatest and we probably couldn't sell our house before the new school year. Not to mention, we'll better afford a new house once I'm out of school and working. So, we'll see how things go this year, with my driving to the city for school, and maybe we'll move next year. One thing's for sure, though - we are definitely moving.

The rest of the summer was supposed to be spent relaxing and enjoying the summer. However, the weather here has sucked and it refuses to stay warm for long. Not to mention my husband has surgery in a couple weeks, and my grandma is dying and I can't afford to go be with her.

I am eager for September.