Losing It

I'd considered starting a new blog to put down all my thoughts about my newest journey, but I might as well use what I have available.

So, first some background. I have felt overweight my entire life, and certainly have been for a large chunk of it, but hindsight is 20/20 right? I think I didn't actually become overweight until I went to college. I gained the freshman 15 every year. Eating 2 chocolate bars and drinking a litre of coke every day on the way back from class probably had a part in that.

What it really comes down to is a lack of knowledge. My mom was basically trained as a dietician, and while she knew how to cook for hospitals, the health aspects of food were never shared or taught while I was growing up. No one ever talked about calories, or even as sugar being bad, or encouraged physical exercise.

So, after college, then kids, and a ton of yo-yoing between 200 and 280lbs in various degrees, I finally made a change. My husband started it actually, when he had a panic attack and thought he was having a heart attack. It was so hard to lose weight alone, so when he decided he had to to this for himself I joined him.

He has been amazing, losing almost 70 lbs, and so far I've gone from my highest of 286 to 232 as of this week. It's been hard. I'm in the best shape of my life right now, and I've been on this journey long enough that it really is a lifestyle. If I'm not losing weight, then at least I'm maintaining. My attitude about food, calories and physical exercise has completely changed, but it can still be a struggle.

I love food, especially carbs, and have to treat it like an addiction. I really don't like most forms of exercise, but have discovered I love yoga and boot camp style exercise groups. I run (slowly), and have done 5k fun runs. I try to get at least 4 days of exercise a week - usually running, weights and yoga. In a really good week I get 6 days.

I've been doing this for nearly 2 years. I got burned out after Xmas this year and have been maintaining. Exercise has stayed on point but my eating relaxed. My husband decided he wanted to lose 10lbs before we go on vacation, so this week I've made sure to log everything, sticking under 1200 calories a day and I lost 2.2 lbs.

So, background aside, it's time to get back on the horse. I'm going to be sharing all my daily thoughts here, because I think that what I need right now is mental. I know what my body needs, now my mind needs a tune up to go along with it. If you're reading, thanks for you're support. :)