Summer 09...or not.

Is it bad when I have to use one blog post to try to summerize the entire summer? Or are my imaginary readers used to my infrequent posts now, and expect no more (and possibly less) of me?
In the future I would like to try (yeah, yeah) to write on a more frequent basis so as to get in the habit of journaling, as it is a requirement for my degree.

Speaking of which (smooth segue...) I start school in exactly one week. Yay! I'm really excited. This weekend I get to go and spend a couple hundred dollars on textbooks, (and buy a new car!!) Tuesday I have orientation and then I start. I'm taking 5 courses this semester - 3 education (education and technology, psyhology for teaching and 'concepts of childhood through history') and 2 history (pre-confederation Canada and World history 1500-1800).

My oldest son starts grade one on Monday, unfortunately he's only mildly excited because he doesn't think he's going to have fun. I have to register for him to take the bus, so it's easier to get him to school, as stupid as that sounds considering we're only 2 big blocks and a 5 minute walk from the school. Next year maybe he'll be old enough to walk.

The youngest will be going to a day home - actually, she's (her name is Wendy) considered the best and most sought after babysitter in town. She's been watching kids for the last 20 years or so. I was really lucky to get a spot with her. Child care will probably cost me about $500 a month for this symester, however around $700 next semester, cuz Cam'll be full time. This symester will just ease us into the idea.

So far this summer we haven't done too much... James had surgery, we tried and failed for the second time to have our balloon ride. The kids visited my parents for a week which is always nice for all of us. Last week we went camping for 4 days and had a really nice time, unfortunately I forgot the camera. Besides that, Quint was in OT every week, working on his fine motor and printing skills. Hmm. Kinda hard to summerize a summer when you didn't do anything.

Anyway, that's it for now...I've gotta go take the kids to the doctor, they both have fevers and Quint was throwing up yesterday. More later, I hope.