Here we go again...

Okay, so this is my second attempt at a blog. The first one I tried, at, I didn't really like because I had to create my own site and I know absolutely nothing about that. This one looks nice without my having to work at it, which is a good thing.
So there isn't really a whole lot for me to talk about in this first post....
Life is going pretty good at the moment. We've found a babysitter for my son, finally. She's a careworker at mom's and tots. And mom's and tots is going's really good to have something to get me out of the house. I'm really going to miss it during the month that it's not going on, I'm sure Quintin will, too. I really hope we get a car soon so I can drive to it when it starts up again in January.
We just came back from a weekend in BC visiting the in-laws. Quintin's Aunt hadn't met him yet, so I'm really glad we got to go. Quint had a great time playing with his cousin, Cassidy. She's 4 years older than him and he loved her. I've never heard him laugh as he did when she played with him. It made me very sure that I want to have another kid...just so Quintin has that special friend, that no one but a sibling can be.
As for me.... my IBS (if, indeed, that's what it is...I'm still too chicken to go to a doctor about it), has been annoying lately...there hasn't been pain though, so I can deal with it, which is one of the reasons I haven't seen a doctor. My PPD has been quite manageable lately. This weekend, being about to relax and sleep in, really helped a lot. I've been really happy lately and I actually feel in control.
There's nothing to blame for being lazy though...I've gotta clean my house before the weekend and finish'd probably be a good idea to get dressed today and maybe have a shower as well. Maybe I should write myself a to-do list every day and make sure it gets done... not sure if it would work though.
So yeah, that's it for now. My "not much to say" seemed to have turned into a novel....